Further S::Select® plant delivered

In Germany, the next S::Select® plant was delivered at the beginning of December. The two units were preassembled in containers and installed on the prepared sites within one hour and then quickly connected.

The clients wastewater treatment plant is equipped with aeration tanks with recirculating flow as a continuously operating plant. After the Christmas vacations, commissioning will begin and with it the systematic changeover to aerobic granular sludge (AGS). Thus, the biological efficiency of the wastewater treatment plant is increased, and thus the alternative to the construction of new basins is realized.
Aerobic granular sludge (AGS): Our solution against Bulking sludge

EssDe GmbH  |  Rietwiesstrasse 39  |  CH-8737 Gommiswald  |  Telefon +41 55 290 11 41  |  -int*foq1@Ek5ssn/Dez'.cp+omm