EssDe® - References

References for EssDe GmbH, a specialist for efficient and self-sufficient wastewater treatment by Deammonification or nitrogen elimination.
Process Water 320 kg N/d
Process Water 400 kg N/d
Process Water 500 kg N/d
Biogas plant, 900 kg N/d
Separation of Planctomycetes
Process Water, industrial wastewater, 300 kgN/d
Process Water 400 kg N/d
Process Water 250 kg N/d
Dual-train EssDe®-plant, enclosed
Aerobic granular sludge (AGS): Our solution against Bulking sludge

EssDe GmbH  |  Rietwiesstrasse 39  |  CH-8737 Gommiswald  |  Telefon +41 55 290 11 41  |  .iny6fon/