
EssDe GmbH
Granular sludge in the wastewater treatment

Click here for our new S::Select®-video!

S::Select® fundamentally changes the biological system of your activated sludge by converting the suspended sludge (flocs) into aerobic granular sludge (AGS). This significantly improves the settling behavior, noticeably improves the removal performance and bulking sludge problems are sustainably solved.

EssDe® enables extremely efficient nitrogen removal in the sidestream via deammonification. In combination with the mainstream, the energy efficiency of the entire system can be significantly increased.

S::Select® solves bulking sludge problems sustainably

  • Increases the capacity of the system by a factor of 2-3
  • Improves effluent quality
  • Increases the nitrification capacity
  • Improves sludge thickening and dewatering
  • Increases digester efficiency
  • Reduces the amount of waste sludge (WAS)

EssDe® = Deammonification

  • Economically unrivaled nitrogen removal
  • 60% less energy demand compared to nitrification/denitrification
  • No additional carbon dosage
  • CO2-fixation instead of emission
Aerobic granular sludge (AGS): Our solution against Bulking sludge

EssDe GmbH  |  Rietwiesstrasse 39  |  CH-8737 Gommiswald  |  Telefon +41 55 290 11 41  |