
Aerobic granular sludge (AGS)

In contrast to conventional suspended activated sludge, aerobic granular sludge has a compact form with significantly higher packing (density). Granules are a form of biofilm and have a high bacterial density and a large bacterial diversity.

Due to its structure and density, aerobic granular sludge (AGS) is characterized by high sedimentation rates (> 3.0 m/h, S::Select® process) and a very good specific metabolic activity, in particular a high nitrification capacity. It can be assumed that individual bacteria species work in a coordinated manner within the granules and that the population varies according to the layer structure.

The S::Select® process converts a conventional activated sludge system into an aerobic granular sludge system (AGS). The formation of granules is made possible by intensive treatment of the activated sludge via hydrocyclone at high shear forces and at the same time ideally adjusted biological conditions. Under such conditions, the bacteria begin to form more EPS (extracellular polymers) and subsequently a biofilm. This results in high density cell formations - the aerobic granular sludge is formed.

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Aerobic granular sludge (AGS): Our solution against Bulking sludge

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